Two courses and two conferences of interest to Health Care Renewal readers are coming soon.
Short Course: Why Do Physicians Not Make Rational, Evidence Based Decisions?
A full-day course at the 14th Biennial European Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making on Sunday, 10 June, 2012 in Oslo, Norway. Taught by bloggers Dr Roy Poses and Dr Wally Smith, the course will address both the effects of cognitive psychological limitations and of external influences by vested interests leading to less than optimal decisions.
A full description of the course is here.
Online Course: Corruption in the Health Sector
A 30 hour online course given by the U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Center, offered in collaboration with the Boston University School of Public Health. The course is "on causes and consequences of corruption in the health sector; vulnerabilities in drug supply systems, informal payments, and strategies to minimise the problems."
A full description is here.
Conference: Deception, Incentives and Behavior
A two-day conference given by the Rady School of Management, University of California - San Diego, on 20-21 April, 2012 in San Diego, California, USA. This will be a multidisciplinary meeting to facilitate "research of deception and related unethical behavior in the fields of economics and psychology/judgment and decision making (JDM)."
The conference web-site is here.
Conference: Third Annual PharmedOut Conference on How Patient Harms May Result from Industry Promotion
A two-day conference given by PharmedOut at Georgetown University in Washington, DC on
14-15 June, 2012. The conference will focus on the how industry promotion may lead to under-use, over-use, or mis-use of drugs and devices.
The conference web-site is here.
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